CERTIFIED IN CYBER SECURITY PROFESSIONAL Posted bymaster July 9, 2021 1 Comment on CERTIFIED IN CYBER SECURITY PROFESSIONAL Welcome to your Foundation in Cyber Security Instructions All 20 questions should be attempted. You have 1 hour to complete this paper You must achieve 13 or more out of possible 20 marks (65%) to pass this exam Name Email Enter your DOB (dd/mm/yyyy) 18. Which one of the following elements of information is not considered personally identifiable information that would trigger most US state data breach laws? A. Student identification number B. Social Security number C. Driver’s license number D. Credit card number None 2. COBIT, Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology, is a framework for IT management and governance. Which data management role is most likely to select and apply COBIT to balance the need for security controls against business requirements? A. Business owners B. Data processors C. Data owners D. Data stewards None 3. What term is used to describe a starting point for a minimum security standard? A. Outline B. Baseline C. Policy D. Configuration guide None 4. When media is labelled based on the classification of the data it contains, what rule is typically applied regarding labels? A. The data is labeled based on its integrity requirements. B. The media is labeled based on the highest classification level of the data it contains. C. The media is labeled with all levels of classification of the data it contains. D. The media is labeled with the lowest level of classification of the data it contains. None 5. The need to protect sensitive data drives what administrative process? A. Information classification B. Remanence C. Transmitting data D. Clearing None 6. Fran’s company is considering purchasing a web-based email service from a vendor and eliminating its own email server environment as a cost-saving measure. What type of cloud computing environment is Fran’s company considering? A. SaaS B. IaaS C. CaaS D. PaaS None 12. If Alice wishes to send Bob an encrypted message, what key does she use to encrypt the message? Refer to the following scenario. Alice and Bob would like to use an asymmetric cryptosystem to communicate with each other. They are located in different parts of the country but have exchanged encryption keys by using digital certificates signed by a mutually trusted certificate authority. a. Alice’s public key b. Alice’s private key c. Bob’s public key d. Bob’s private key None 13. When Bob receives the encrypted message from Alice, what key does he use to decrypt the message? Refer to the following scenario. Alice and Bob would like to use an asymmetric cryptosystem to communicate with each other. They are located in different parts of the country but have exchanged encryption keys by using digital certificates signed by a mutually trusted certificate authority. a. Alice’s public key b. Alice’s private key c. Bob’s public key d. Bob’s private key None 14. Which one of the following keys would Bob not possess in this scenario? Refer to the following scenario. Alice and Bob would like to use an asymmetric cryptosystem to communicate with each other. They are located in different parts of the country but have exchanged encryption keys by using digital certificates signed by a mutually trusted certificate authority. a. Alice’s public key b. Alice’s private key c. Bob’s public key d. Bob’s private key None 15. Alice would also like to digitally sign the message that she sends to Bob. What key should she use to create the digital signature? Refer to the following scenario. Alice and Bob would like to use an asymmetric cryptosystem to communicate with each other. They are located in different parts of the country but have exchanged encryption keys by using digital certificates signed by a mutually trusted certificate authority. a. Alice’s public key b. Alice’s private key c. Bob’s public key d. Bob’s private key None 16. What name is given to the random value added to a password in an attempt to defeat rainbow table attacks? a. Hash b. Salt c. Extender d. Rebar None 21. Which of the following options is not a common best practice for securing a wireless network? Turn on WPA2. Enable MAC filtering if used for a relatively small group of clients. Enable SSID broadcast. Separate the access point from the wired network using a firewall, thus treating it as external access. None 22. What network topology is shown in the image below? A ring A bus A star A mesh None 23. Ben has configured his network to not broadcast a SSID. Why might Ben disable SSID broadcast, and how could his SSID be discovered? Disabling SSID broadcast prevents attackers from discovering the encryption key. The SSID can be recovered from decrypted packets. Disabling SSID broadcast hides networks from unauthorized personnel. The SSID can be discovered using a wireless sniffer. Disabling SSID broadcast prevents issues with beacon frames. The SSID can be recovered by reconstructing the BSSID. Disabling SSID broadcast helps avoid SSID conflicts. The SSID can be discovered by attempting to connect to the network. None 26. Which of the following items are not commonly associated with restricted interfaces? Shells Keyboards Menus Database views None 28. What major issue often results from decentralized access control? Access outages may occur Control is not consistent Control is too granular Training costs are high None 29. Jim has been contracted to perform a penetration test of a bank’s primary branch. In order to make the test as real as possible, he has not been given any information about the bank other than its name and address. What type of penetration test has Jim agreed to perform? A crystal box penetration test A gray box penetration test A black box penetration test A white box penetration test None 18. Which one of the following is not a privileged administrative activity that should be automatically sent to a log of superuser actions? A. Purging log entries B. Restoring a system from backup C. Logging into a workstation D. Managing user accounts None 33. Which one of the following individuals is most likely to lead a regulatory investigation? CISO CIO Government agent Private detective None 35. Toni responds to the desk of a user who reports slow system activity. Upon checking outbound network connections from that system, Toni notices a large amount of social media traffic originating from the system. The user does not use social media, and when Toni checks the accounts in question, they contain strange messages that appear encrypted. What is the most likely cause of this traffic? Other users are relaying social media requests through Toni’s computer. Toni’s computer is part of a botnet. Toni is lying about her use of social media. Someone else is using Toni’s computer when she is not present. None 1 out of 5 Time is Up!